Signs of Medical Malpractice
Some types of medical malpractice are obvious. For instance, you know when they have amputated the wrong limb or body part. Those are the rare horror stories that make headlines. More common types of malpractice are more subtle in nature. We know that medical care does not always have a positive outcome, even when the doctors do their best. Some doctors will try to hide their mistakes by saying they are normal risks or normal possibilities. However, there are some red flags of medical malpractice that you should know about.
Infection after Medical Care
If you contract an infection after surgery or another medical procedure you may have nosocomial infection. That is an infection you acquired due to poor practices during your medical care. Nosocomial infections can be caused by poor sanitation practice, such as failure to follow simple hand washing procedures, failure to clean surfaces in between patients, or the use of dirty instruments. They can also occur if an object, such as a sponge or instrument, is left inside of your body after surgery.
Unexpected Reaction to a Medication
If you have an unexpected reaction to a medication it could mean that you were prescribed the wrong medication for your condition, an inappropriate medication for you, a medication to which you have a known allergy, the wrong dose, or an inappropriate combination of medications. It can also mean that the error was made by the person who administered your medication rather than the prescribing doctor.
Unexpected reactions include an obvious adverse reaction, failure to improve, or worsening of your condition.
Signs of Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis
- If you have been getting regular checkups and your first diagnosis of any serious health condition says that you are in an advanced state, it can mean that the diagnosis is wrong or that it is accurate and you have been the victim of delayed diagnosis.
- If your condition does not improve with treatment you may have been misdiagnosed, or your doctor may not be using the appropriate treatment.
- Your diagnosis was based only on a lab test, and no symptoms.
- You tested positive and your doctor did not order a retest. False positives are much more common than false negatives.
- Your symptoms and your diagnosis do not match up.
- Your doctor did not order all of the tests that are normally administered to diagnose your condition.
Our medical malpractice attorneys will work hard to get full compensation for our clients and their innocent families. If your loved one has been the victim of medical malpractice, please e-mail or call 1-877-LOSS-RECOVER (567-7732) today. All consultations are FREE and our lawyers work on a contingency basis. This means that you pay NOTHING until your case is WON!